Cons of organizing a wedding yourself

DIY wedding is all the rage. For those who do not know these initials in English, it means “do it yourself” whose literal translation is “made yourself” and whose meaning is like the expression “homemade” or “handmade”. Advantages and disadvantages of being a planner of your wedding.

Some future brides see it as a way to completely personalize their wedding while saving money and preparing the decoration, floral arrangements, invitations, menus or even the meal, their dress and their accessories. Others see it only as a waste of time and prefer to delegate most of the preparation of their wedding and find no interest in manual tailoring or personalization of their decorations and accessories. With the pros there are cons of organizing a wedding yourself.

The inconvenient:

DIY is time consuming

The time required obviously increases depending on how many different things you plan to do yourself as well as how many copies you need to make. The realization of the various DIYs often turns out to be more expensive than what you initially think.

decorations and accessories

There are often hidden costs

Special scissors to buy, material that you can only find in large quantities when you only need a limited amount of material, etc.

A “badly finished” aspect

This is a disadvantage that is rarely mentioned but it is essential to think about it. The result obtained does not always live up to the expectations that you have. A wedding invitation, for example, can look “messed up” due to the difficulties of making fine cut-outs or the difficulties associated with gluing or assembling various elements.

The stress

The entire organization and all the achievements rest on your shoulders. The wedding preparations are already stressful for the bride and groom who decide to call in the professionals so if you decide to take care of everything that is necessary for the D-day yourself, see to realize with your hands the smallest details: this is likely to generate a lot of stress.

The lack of inspiration

If you are hyper-creative genre brimming with ideas constantly, you should have no difficulty in finding ideas that will personalize your wedding and make one but if the idea of tinkering do only evokes question marks, maybe DIY is not for you.

Do not underestimate the price of your achievements

If you prepare various elements of your wedding yourself in order to make it cheaper do your calculations well, taking into account the price of all the equipment and all the raw materials. You will need the testing as well as the price because the little details that add up quickly increase the final amount payable.

Take into consideration the difficulty of the achievements you undertake

A lot of things seem so simple to achieve on Pinterest or YouTube but are not so easy to set up when it comes to doing them yourself!

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